Great Workshop Opportunity for Creative Writers

Spalding University’s brief-residency MFA in Writing Program is offering a Community Workshop to creative writers May 22-29, during the MFA Program’s Spring Residency. Community Workshop students participate in an instructor-led, 8-day non-credit writing workshop and are invited to attend all MFA Residency events, including lectures and panel discussions normally reserved exclusively for MFA students.

Writers interested in attending the Community Workshop submit a 5- to 7-page writing sample in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, writing for children and young adults, playwriting, or screenwriting. Email the writing sample as a DOC, RTF, or PDF file to

The MFA Office will reply by email regarding your acceptance in the Workshop. Capacity is limited.

After acceptance, workshop students receive information about sending original material, due by April 27, to be critiqued in the workshop. The material consists of 15 to 20 pages of prose or scriptwriting or 5 poems. By May 7, students receive a workshop booklet, which includes writing by all members of the class. Workshop students read and prepare for an hourlong discussion of each student’s work.

On most days, the Community Workshop begins at 9 a.m. Attendance at the 9-11:30 a.m. workshop is required, but students are invited to stay for as much of the day as they like. Lunches and several dinners are included in the price of the workshop. Afternoon sessions include lectures, panel discussions, and readings by MFA faculty and guests. Evening sessions include readings by MFA faculty and alumni.

Applicants receive a $100 discount off the full price of $700 if they apply by April 8. All applications are due by April 22.

Workshop instructor Erin Keane is the author of The Gravity Soundtrack, a full-length collection of poems, and The One-Hit Wonders, a chapbook. Her novel-in-poems, Death Defying Acts, will be published by WordFarm in 2010. Her poems, essays, and reviews have appeared in many magazines. A recipient of the Al Smith Fellowship from the Kentucky Arts Council, Erin lives in Louisville, where she writes for Velocity and LEO, teaches at Bellarmine University, leads writing workshops for the Kentucky Governor's School for the Arts, and directs the InKY Reading Series.

For more information and registration details, email


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